Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome Jerks!

To the 3 friends I am making read this blog- Welcome!  I've never had a blog before, but I feel like my boundless knowledge of everything film should not go unseen/read by the world.  What you are going to find on this blog is an assortment of reviews, features, and general buffoonery about your favorite (and least favorite) movies.  I have no life.  No desire for anything greater than can be offered from my local arthouse theatre, or the comfort of my Netflix viewing area (or couch- it's just a couch).  And as I am sitting here at work today I realize that puts me in a very advantageous position.  Why see the world when I have seen Around the World in 80 Days?  Why experience love when I can easily rent Love, Actually?  Why live the gangster lifestyle when I can watch Ray Liotta do it instead? 

And so, without further ado, I present FilmJerk.

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Am I awesome, or just a Jerk? Let me know. I promise not to bite, unless you happen to be bacon. In which case I'd like to know how you got off my sandwich and gained consciousness. But I digress...